I don’t normally tell other people what to do.  Hardly ever, in fact.  But as a useless, pathetic plea to the teeming masses, I request the following: that when you stop posting on a blog, or stop updating a website, you post a notice on it.

This does two things:

1) It lets me take that site off of my listings so I don’t keep checking it for months.  And yes, I WILL keep checking it for months, because I know plenty of times when I’ve checked a blog and it only updates once in 2 months.  And think–I’m checking my list of sites every other day, pretty much.  Maybe every day when I’m in school (school means more free time!  Funny how that works).  Think of how much time (and more importantly, memory usage) you’re saving me!

2) It makes you hold yourself accountable.  And this is something that should extend to more of your life than just blogs and websites, but I’ll save -that- plea for another time.  But don’t play pretend and say “oh yeah that thing, I should post in there more at some point…”.  No.  Either you will, or you’re never going to again and you’re just too dumb to realize it.  Posting a notice forces you to admit that yes, you started something and it is over.  It forces you to consider whether this thing was worth starting in the first place.  Perhaps it was, and now it’s just time to move on.  Perhaps it was foolish to bite off something that you couldn’t chew.  -Maybe-, you’ll even learn to avoid that kind of mistake in the future.

But I highly doubt it.

Oh, and by the way?  This is post #3246 on this blog.  It’s been almost 7 years.

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